This was one of those days that you just want to freeze in time...
It was a day that you want to save in your memory just as it is. After I recorded this we got dressed and went to the park. The kids had so much fun together that day. They laughed and ran around and loved being outside. It was a day that made me so overwhelmingly grateful to be a mother to 3 beautiful babies. They are getting so grown up. They are so smart. I am amazed how much they hear the things we say to them as adults. They just take everything in, and they love life. I can't imagine my life any different than it is right now. I just hope that I can have more days like this.... days that I truly take a step back and just drink in the love and joy that they radiate. Casey and I have been richly blessed!
Update on life
7 years ago
The video didn't work, sad. I never thought that being a mother would change me so much. It really is a amazing gift from Heavenly Father! I love you guys!
You'll have to try putting the video on again. Thanks for your help today. Your a great friend. Love you.
I totally agree with you. I wish we could freeze time. It is days like that, that make it all worth it. Those kids are so dang cute!!
I just LOVE those little voices! I love those days!
Oh man, hearing their adorble little voices and then yours made me miss you guys so much! Those girls get more beautiful every day!
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