So tonight was a pretty big step towards potty training. We had just had dinner and were getting ready to take the children upstairs for a shower when I noticed Eva doing the poopy face.....all you mothers know what face I'm talking about....... so I run over to Eva and pick her up and run her upstairs and tell her I want her to go poo poo in the potty. I take her diaper off and sit her down and it takes her a second but she does it. So of course it deserves a round of applause from Mom, Dad, Maxwell and Mia. Now Mia is so excited that she says she wants to go poo poo in the potty too, even though Casey had just changed her diaper. We sit Mia on the potty and there is no more poo poo, but she is determined so what happens.... pee pee in the potty. We all start cheering and clapping for her "Yesssss...pee pee in the potty, pee pee in the potty!!" Mia and Eva each got a HUGE handful of marshmallows for being such big girls and Maxwell got 5 marhsmallows (yes, 5) for being such a supportive older brother.
All this talk of "big girl" princess unders has finally encouraged action and we can now do the pee pee and poo poo dance.....Hoooorraaaaayy!!!
Who new having children would lead to such excitement over things most of us would rather not talk about....... I LOVE being a mom!
The look of pride on my girls faces is something I will remember forever.
Update on life
7 years ago
Tam, that is so cute. What big girls. And after a long day at Disney. Way to go Mia and Eva.
Love you!
Tammy, Tammy, Tammy, you are crazy! You are the one who looks tiny and beautiful and amazing! (I'm referring to your comment on my blog!)
I can totally relate to the potty training excitement, since we just went through that with Lexi. She also got a ton of claps, screams, potty treats, and happy dances!
And I'm jealous about Disneyland with no kids. That would be so much fun.
Yeah for pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty! Way to go little snuggies!
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