Saturday night was so much fun (thanks to our wonderful family for being home with the kids) We had a little date night which we don't do all that often. We go out with friends and family quite a bit but not very often on our own as a couple and it was great to have a little one on one time. It was nice to have a little conversation and a little romance and of course a little goofiness. Those are the kind of nights that help us remember why we fell in love in the first place.....not that we forgot, it just gets lost in the shuffle of changing diapers, wiping noses, washes dishes, paying bills, making dinner, picking up toys, etc, etc. I love you Zwabes:)
MMMMmmmmmm Pei Wei! Of Course we had to have a litte GS for dessert....You know Golden Spoon frozen yogurt....YUMMMM!!
Hooray for the city of Costa Mesa and the Polar Express train ride to the north pole to see santa. We had lots of fun! You can't really beat the California weather in December:)
I love that the girls are now starting to use their imaginations and really play with their toys. They love to play with their babies and their little kitchen set. They are starting to talk for their dolls and pretend that their babies are crying. They are so cute, I love it!
Tessa's 2nd Birthday was so much fun, the girls loved dressing up in their princess dresses and shoes. Thanks Shelley and Jason for inviting us and Happy Birthday to Cute little Tessa. Mia and Eva are so happy you are friends. We love you!!!!