Tessa's 2nd Birthday was so much fun, the girls loved dressing up in their princess dresses and shoes. Thanks Shelley and Jason for inviting us and Happy Birthday to Cute little Tessa. Mia and Eva are so happy you are friends. We love you!!!!
Update on life
7 years ago
Awe, 3 cute little princesses! I'm not gonna lie, I'm jealous you are close to Shelley and can share your kids birthday parties. :( I wish Braden was buds with Maxwell. sigh. Someday?
I love the pics. Pretty sad, I haven't even updated it yet on my blog. I'm gonna have a long day of catching up. I love you and I'm glad you guys could come and join in on the fun. :)
Hey Thanks! I know Brandon always said "never cut your hair!" :) And I never thought I would, but here I am, new hair and all! lol... But, anyway, I still need to email you back! Sorry! I'm a slacker!!!
I miss you and your family. Every time I see your photos I get a little sad. I guess it should be motivation for us to get into gear and get out there to see you guys. Love you!
The girls have grown up so much and are getting so tall! They are starting to look more like "kids" than "toddlers." I miss them a lot. Maxwell is a big, handsome boy too! Love and hugs to everyone!
I already told you this in email, but they are so cute!
I'm so excited to see you next week!
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