Last saturday morning I overheard a conversation that made me smile.....
Maxwell has had a little trouble lately saying things that aren't completely true. Things like did you get into the candy without asking.. "no Mom, I didn't" while the wrappers on the floor clearly state the opposite. So we have been trying to teach him about being honest, and this is the conversation that followed.....
Maxwell: "Brian can you get me some chocolate cereal"
Brian: "it's all gone, do you want a different kind"
Maxwell: "No it's not... when you say something that's not true, then it's a lie, and your not supposed to tell a lie."
Brian: "You're right you're not supposed to lie, but that wasn't a lie"
Oh Maxwell, now we just need to work on helping him understand that just because he doesn't want to believe what someone is saying is the truth, doesn't make it a lie.
Update on life
7 years ago