Last saturday morning I overheard a conversation that made me smile.....
Maxwell has had a little trouble lately saying things that aren't completely true. Things like did you get into the candy without asking.. "no Mom, I didn't" while the wrappers on the floor clearly state the opposite. So we have been trying to teach him about being honest, and this is the conversation that followed.....
Maxwell: "Brian can you get me some chocolate cereal"
Brian: "it's all gone, do you want a different kind"
Maxwell: "No it's not... when you say something that's not true, then it's a lie, and your not supposed to tell a lie."
Brian: "You're right you're not supposed to lie, but that wasn't a lie"
Oh Maxwell, now we just need to work on helping him understand that just because he doesn't want to believe what someone is saying is the truth, doesn't make it a lie.
Update on life
7 years ago
I love that Maxwell!!! WHat a cutie! At least he is getting concept-- and I totally understand his frustration at the lack of chocolate cereal. I was watching Mike and Mels kids when you called I will call you tommorrow-- I have a sitter in the morning. Hurray!!
Oh my goodness, how do you not eat up those cute little girls every day! I just watched your video and about died. I love how they look at eachother before answering you like they need to make sure they're doing the same thing. You need to post more video of them!!
I LOVE IT! I can hear Maxwell's little voice questioning Brian too! Hey, I would be upset too if the chocolate cereal was gone!
You guys are doing great as parents! Way to go Maxwell! Miss you!
That video below is the cutest thing! I love watching the two of them look at eachother when they aren't sure what the answer is and then laughing together! So cute!
Hey, I'm glad you are back. We missed you. We have been having the same conversations with Kaden lately. This age is hilarious.
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