A couple of weeks ago I gave the children some bubble gum. As they chewed I kept reminding them not to swallow it and to keep it in their mouths. A few minutes later I noticed that Mia wasn't chewing so I asked her if she swallowed it, her response... "No Mom I didn't swallow it, I just put it in my tummy!"
Maxwell has become more interested lately about getting married and who he is going to marry. One sunday after church he was sitting in the middle of Eva and Mia out on the couch in the follier with his arms around them both. He looked at me and said "Mom, I'm going to marry my sisters." I had to explain to him that we can't marry our family. Later our conversation went like this:
Me: "Maxwell, what temple do you want to get married in... Salt lake like mommy and daddy? L.A.? Newport beach? Timpanogos by Grammy and pappa's house in utah?
Maxwell: looking at me with his "duh mom" face he says "um, Heavenly Fathers temple!" DUH!
Last night while getting ready to go have dinner with family, this was maxwells train of thought...
Me: "Maxwell go down stairs and get your shoes on."
Maxwell: "but Mom, I love you."
Me: I love you too, please go."
Maxwell: "But Mom, We have the best family ever!" looking up at me with those big blue eyes he leaned up on his toes and puckered up his lips, who could argue or resist!
Now that we have 4 carseats in our car we have the twins in the very back with an empty seat between them. Lately they have been entertaining themselves in the car with singing. They love to sing christmas songs and primary songs, they even love singing the names of our family as well as most of their cousins names to a made up tune. On saturday while driving to Maxwells soccer game they were singing "ring around the rosies." I looked back to find them holding hands across the seat as they giggled and sang. Love those girls!
Update on life
7 years ago
What cuties! I love the things kid say. I wish I could remember them all when they say it... if it's not written down, it's gone in the next hour.
Those sweet little kids! This weekend can't come soon enough! We told Parker today that Maxwell was coming soon and he is very excited!
That is so sweet! I love all the innocent things kids say! I just learned (from Brooke) you guys are coming to town! Can't wait to see you!
Maxwell does have the most gorgeous eyes! You guys make really beautiful kids. How are you adjusting to four? Wish I was there to see your family in person. As soon as we are able to we are going to So Cal. And I promise we'll come visit. We really love seeing you guys.
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