I just love all the little words and phrases that the children come up with. I have been meaning to write this stuff down for awhile now and I am happy to finally have all these cute sayings on record :o)
the bless you.... translation - to sneeze
the hi ho's... translation - the 7 dwarfs
bazawnia... translation - lasagna
stabashios... translation - pistachio's
sowled... translation - salad
shoecaz... translation - cashews
pretty girl... translation - any hair accessory (berets, bows, ribbons, rubber band, flowers etc.)
ho-tail... translation - hotel (pronounced with a little southern drawl)
neckolace... translation - necklace
special ring... translation - wedding ring/band
newtah... translation - Utah
avada... translation - Nevada
"I wanna hold you"... translation- Hold me
bum soup... translation - bath water (I use this phrase especially when they start drinking the bathwater, uh... disgusting!)
party potty.... translation - the handicap stall in any public restroom, because it's big enough for me to take all the children into the stall with me. The girls always laugh when we go into the handicap stall and love to chant in between giggles " party potty, party potty." Where do they come up with this stuff!!
Update on life
7 years ago
That's a great list Tam! Loved it.
Cute! Love you guys!
So funny! The bum soup was the funniest 'cause I call it tooty booty water. "Don't drink the tooty booty water guys!" They always laugh.
Lol.. I love it!
So funny!
I loved this post:)
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