So Kylynne has been teething the last two weeks and it has been going ok but she is trying to get these last couple of teeth in and has been pretty cranked the last two days.
Last night as I was nursing her she decided to chomp down and lock her jaw and left me with a bleeding bite mark. YEEEOOOWWWWWE! I have never had one of my babies bite me that hard before. Now I'm left with so much anxiety every time I hook her up that I can't just relax and enjoy her sweetness. Luckily it hasn't happened again but what do I do if it does happen again?
I'm not ready to ween(sp?) her yet but I would like to keep both attached if I can. Any advice?
Update on life
7 years ago
Not much experience in this area, but I just wanted say OUCH! I hope that was the first and last time Kylynne decides to chow down.
John was a big time biter, so I feel your pain . . . literally! (And he nursed until he was 2!) ;) Unfortunately, I never found a tactic that worked really well to get him to stop. Everything I tried seemed to make him chomp down even harder. Mom always said to flick his cheek. One of my friends screams really loud and that startles her little boy into letting go. Hopefully, Ky won't bite you again, but be prepared for the fact that she probably will. Sorry to break it to you. So, my advice is to try things until you figure out what works. (How's that for giving an answer without giving an answer?) ;) Good luck! Love you lots!
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