I know that I haven't blogged in awhile. Part of me is over it and part of me doesn't want to make the time to do it although I like doing it because it helps me feel connected to people when I don't have time to talk to distant friends and family as much as I would like.
I never just write anything, 'cause I figure most people just skip over that part and go strait to the pictures anyway (I'll admit, I'm guilty of doing that sometimes). So this post may just be for me, wanting to write something for no reason at all.
This week I have been particularly emotional, although those of you who know me well wouldn't be shocked by that. Casey and I celebrated our tenth year wedding anniversary. Wow, TEN years! When we were newly weds ten years seemed so very far away. It also seemed that in ten years we would be established in a home and settled in with children, a good job and the life that I often dreamed of as a child. Even five years ago when life was so much simpler, another five years seemed like it would bring so much more stability, consistency and maturity. Now we are here. I look at our situation and feel lost, unsure and anything but consistent and stable. It feels like we should have it all together. That we should know with a surety by now what we can expect for the next 50+ years. We should have a home and be a part of a community that we can feel connected to and involved in and that our children would be settled and confident in their lives. It feels like we should be confident in our parenting and in our ability to be self reliant and to have the attitude that would allow us to make things happen for ourselves.
I know that this thought is one of blissful ignorance and that there's no possible way to go through life without the lessons that bring us to our knee's.
Even as I sit here typing away, I am 100% confident in the things that I do know. Though so much of the before mentioned gives a person security it doesn't necessarily bring peace. And though I am struggling with finding my footing on a daily basis, I do have peace. I have a knowledge of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and I have confidence in where I fit in His eternal plan of happiness. I have a righteous and loving husband who would do anything to make sure I am happy and safe. I have four beautiful children that fill my life with more joy than I knew was possible. And I have family and friends that surround me with their support and love on a daily basis.
So at the risk of sounding cliche... to say that life isn't what I dreamed it would be, would be inaccurate... It's SO MUCH MORE!
"One's life.... cannot be both faith filled and stress free... Therefore, how can you and I really expect to glide naively through life, as if to say, "Lord, give me the experience, but not grief, not sorrow, not pain, not opposition, not betrayal, and certainly not to be forsaken. Keep from me, Lord, all those experiences which make Thee what Thou art! Then let me come and dwell with Thee and fully share Thy joy... Real faith... is required to endure this necessary but painful developmental process"
Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Life teaches us lesson after lesson with no exception... and that's what she said!
Update on life
7 years ago
I love you. You are such an example to me & I love how you write & I think you should do it more on this little blog of yours. xoxo
Tammy, what a sweet post. I'm so happy to have you, kasey and your adorable children as our friends. We love you!
Oh, Tammy! You are so sweet! I loved this post and agree with Katie that you should write more often. What wonderful sentiments masterfully expressed! I love you!
And. . . thanks for listening to me boob yesterday while I was in meltdown mode! You WERE inspired to call me! Thanks for being such an awesome sister! I love you!
Great thoughts, Tam! You are one amazing woman! I think we all need to hear those things. I feel like I spend too much time trying to plow through the hard stuff in life to get to the easier parts. Thanks for reminding me to be where I am and appreciate the hard stuff more for shaping me into a better person.
Love you mama. You are so right. Peace and contentment are really the only things that make you truly happy. You can have it all and still not be happy. I think you have learned the trick of being content and peaceful no matter what the situation. You're the best, such a good friend and the best example.
You said it perfectly. Life doesn't always go the way we planned. In all the trials and hardships we go through, there is always happiness, and something to learn. I love you guys! I can't believe we have been friends for almost 10 years! Oh the days, when we were brand new newlyweds. I had so much fun hanging with you today. Totally on the same wave length. Love ya.
Beautiful! I think everyone can relate to your blog...that's why you are getting so many comments! I hope you keep blogging!:) I love you girl and you amaze me!
Our 10th is coming up in June, and I have been having similar thoughts. I'm too old to live in an Apt, I tells ya. =)
I like what she said! Love you, Mom
Wow, what a great perspective from Tammy and all the others. I have often felt similar things. I could apply what you said here to myself. Ages 59 and 61, and now renting? Ugh! But, wouldn't change the lessons of life for anything. I have learned a lot about myself and my husband. And most of all have learned about how freely God gives us our agency, and is there when we ask Him to be. Love you for being part of our eternal experience. I like what she said.
All I can say is AMEN!!!! Love what you said Tammy. You said it perfectly!
That is PERFECT! Thank you so much for your message on facebook and for referring to me to this post. I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling unsettled and unsure. But only unsure about worldy, monitary matters, not unsure about our Heavenly Father's love for us. I too would rather have this trial over all others.
I've concluded that I REALLY don't care if we ever buy a house, or even if we move every 3 years. It's just that I want my kids to feel comfortable and have the consistancy. I regret that I'm not putting Braden into sports, or other lessons, he's not even registered for kindergarten yet....but I can't, we don't know what we're doing. That's so hard! I could go on and on....we do need to talk.
Thanks for sharing your testimony and feelings and even your personal experience. We can relate to each other and yet we're still far away. I LOVE YOU!! What a great friend you are. You made me cry in that FB message. As soon as I started reading I knew there would be sympathy and encouragement, and the tears just flowed! Talk to you soon. xoxo
That is PERFECT! Thank you so much for your message on facebook and for referring to me to this post. I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling unsettled and unsure. But only unsure about worldy, monitary matters, not unsure about our Heavenly Father's love for us. I too would rather have this trial over all others.
I've concluded that I REALLY don't care if we ever buy a house, or even if we move every 3 years. It's just that I want my kids to feel comfortable and have the consistancy. I regret that I'm not putting Braden into sports, or other lessons, he's not even registered for kindergarten yet....but I can't, we don't know what we're doing. That's so hard! I could go on and on....we do need to talk.
Thanks for sharing your testimony and feelings and even your personal experience. We can relate to each other and yet we're still far away. I LOVE YOU!! What a great friend you are. You made me cry in that FB message. As soon as I started reading I knew there would be sympathy and encouragement, and the tears just flowed! Talk to you soon. xoxo
Love it Tammy, good stuff! Thanks for sharing, fun to get to know you a little better, even if it is just through a blog!
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