So it's official. We have now moved to Utah which most of you probably know. It's been a crazy leap of faith for us. Hopefully I can keep it together while my better half is working hard in California until he can find a job here in Utah.
Maxwell starts school on wednesday (which is what brought the kids and I here without Casey in the first place) and he is having a little anxiety about it. It's been the hardest for him I think and it makes me sad.
I haven't been the most patient or loving mom doing it all on my own and I feel bad about that too. It's hard cutting myself some slack when I feel so guilty about losing my patience with the children.
I just hope they're not scarred for life from this whole experience. All I can do is my best and sometimes I worry that's not enough.
For now it is what it is, there's no changing that. So thanks to all of our friends and family who have helped us, supported us and prayed for us. We feel your love and encouragement and know that through our faith in the Savior Jesus Christ we will pull through this stronger, better people.
Update on life
7 years ago
Hey, I can't see any of your post. Would love to read it. Miss you guys!
Hey I know how hard it is to move. Donovan was away from me for 3 months and that was the hardest time in my life. You are a good mom, your kids will be fine, and you all will be stronger. It was so hard for me because I had to keep the house clean for people to view it, and take the kids everywhere they needed to be, and Sadie was only 3 months old and very needy!! You are welcome to call me anytime if you need someone to talk to. 205-631-4896
Amen, Sister! You are such a good example for me.
Kids are very resilient and bounce back just fine. I think as moms we can be much harder on ourselves than we should be, we have such high expectations of ourselves, but our kids just enjoy our company.
Hang in there, Tammy! You know you are an awesome mom and that doing your best is way above and beyond what many moms do.
I can't wait to see you and your cute little ones soon!
love ya!
Hang in there. You are a crazy awesome Mom and seriously your kids are so lucky.
By the way, I love the pictures of you and the girls below. You have a beautiful family.
Tammy, I love you! Hang in there! Your kids will be okay! You can always come over to auntie Meggen's house for a breather. (I'd come to you, but I'm still carless! Ugh!) You are a great mom and your kids know you love them. We are still praying for your family everyday! Loves and stuff, Meg
Tammy, you are doing a great job. I think we always think we aren't a good enough Mom, BUT YOU ARE! You are doing a great job. You kids know that you love them, and normal life will start for you guys soon. I love you, miss you, and wish I could give you a hug!
Tammy, I understand Mother Guilt, and Grandmother Guilt! I do know that good guilt moves me into a new action for the good, and if it's bad guilt, then I just sit around feeling bad. So, acknowledge the hard times, and move on to asking for God's help. Like George Durrant said, God always answers our prayers for more strength. Example: I was in the temple this a.m. and my ribs started to hurt so bad I wondered if I could do the session. So I prayed for strength, and the pain left, and I completed a good session. I know God helps us by making up the difference. Sure love you. Sorry for the not so patient times I have given you, and thankful for the great woman you have become. Your kids are awesome!!!! Hey, when are you getting your massage? Love you, Mom
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