The day before I delivered them I was running around with my 1 1/2 year old Maxwell in tow, trying to get some last minute Valentine's day errands done. As I walked in to the store a man looked at me with Maxwell on my hip and said "Wow, you look like you're ready to pop any minute!" As a matter of fact I had been in labor all day. Lot's and Lot's of contractions only about 5 or 6 minutes apart but nothing painful at that point.
I woke up at about 4am still having contractions, still nothing painful but I was freezing. I could not get warm my teeth were chattering I was shaking so hard. I had remembered my mom saying something about getting the shakes in labor but I didn't remember feeling that with Maxwell so, of course, I called my mom to see what to do. She said that maybe I should go to the hospital and that they would come up and stay with Maxwell. When I got to labor and delivery they said that I was running a fever of 103 and that they were going to start IV antibiotics and call my doctor. So they admitted me and after a short time my doctor came and broke my water and I got my epidural.
The moment they wheeled me into the operating room (standard for a twin delivery in case of emergency c section) I was flooded with the most overwhelming feeling of love and strength. There was no doubt that my recently passed mother in law Karen was saying her goodbyes along with many other great woman that had passed on. Immediately I began to cry as I had never felt anything like that in my life. The nurse next to me asked if I was ok and said I shouldn't be nervous. I looked at her and told her "I was just excited" not being able to even explain what I was feeling. I delivered my two beautiful girls at 9:51am and 9:58am. Mia came first weighing 5lbs 8oz and Eva was pulled out by her feet (guess she enjoyed not feeling so cramped with sister gone) weighing 5lbs 6oz. They were perfect and healthy.
Home from the hospital they brought that same feeling I felt in the hospital with them. The veil was so thin and the Lord knew I needed the strength to care for my 3 babies.
Eva and Mia have always been so sweet and such great friends. They have brought more joy to us than I can even express.
The twin connection is so cute to watch as often times when asked a question one of them will answer for both of them. They are always together and find strength in each other.
One day a few months ago while playing dress up I said to them "What beautiful princesses!" Mia looked at Eva and said "I wish I was as beautiful as Eva." Then Eva looked at Mia and said "I wish I was as beautiful as Mia." They both giggled and I said "You are both beautiful, I wish I was as beautiful as you two are." They just smiled :o)
Eva definitely is my little snuggler. One day she came and hugged me and said "Mom, I just can't stop hugging you, I love you so much!" Melt my heart.
Mia really looks out for Eva and plays the "big sister" role. She is usually the one to give in when they fight and let's Eva have her way.
They are both growing so much. I am looking forward to the fall when they will go into kindergarten. Only because I look forward to having them in different classes so that they can start to develop self confidence and individuality. They do so well together, I want them to be just as confident as individuals.
We love our little Eve's and Me's... Happy Belated my sweet Sissies!!
I can't believe it has been 5 years since I saw them in the bassinet in your bedroom! They are such smart and articulate ladies!
These girls are too adorable. I knew when I met them that I had to marry Tyler so I could be their aunt! Love you sisters!
Miss those.girls.... miss you.... I loved your post. It made me tear up. Our girls are getting big
Your kids are so beautiful!!
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