So I'm going to steal an idea that I saw on one of my friends, friends's called flashback friday. Each friday I will post a pictures or video from something in the past. Today the pictures are from this past summer......
Many of you know that we spent this past summer living in Stamford, CT. Casey's job at the time required that we move out of state for the summer sales program he was involved in. So I just thought that I would share pictures from all the things we did during the summer. Some of the main events of the summer were......Maxwell's 3rd birthday, the girls started walking, nauvoo, lot's of hotel stays to and from NYC, watching the hill cumorah pageant in the pouring rain, Cody's high school graduation, our sweet grandma martin passed away in June, downtown NYC with the kids, Central Park, amazing rain storms, seeing the broadway Wicked, the incredible spring blossoms and flowers, our trip to Palmyra and Niagra Falls and overall enjoying being together as a family. This was a summer we will never forget!
Update on life
7 years ago
Holy cow that was a lot of pictures! And I am so glad you posted them! I love to look at them...your family is SO beautiful! You truly are blessed!
What an amazing Summer!! Did you really do that much?!?!? so great!
I love your blog! and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging:)
Enjoyed all the pictures, you have the cutest kids! I especially love how cute you dress your girls!!
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