So, I've been down with the flu all week and it's killing me to just sit around and do nothing, not to mention the kids are going crazy too!!
Got to love flu season!
I can't even remember the last time I was this sick.....I NEVER get sick! Maybe a little sniffle here and there but this time I'm totally wiped out! I hate it.... Someone just knock me out with a hammer.....
Just to clear up any confussion....I started writting the girls birthday post during naptime on V-day, but their birthday was actually on the 15th... probably why lot's of you didn't realize they were born on Valentines day....because they weren't! Sorry. Thanks everyone for the sweet comments... we love you all!
Update on life
7 years ago
I'm soooo sorry to hear you've had the flu! I've had a cold for over a week now and I think it has become a sinus infection! I'm just grateful I didn't have Hudson and then get sick. Can't imagine how you feel with all three!!! Hope you feel better soon! Love ya!
P.S. Thanks for the advice. I really think I just need to be patient!
I'm sorry you're sick!! How are the kids? Is it the throwing up flu or just achy, tired flu? Get better soon!
So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. That is the pits! Wish I was there so I could come steal your kids away for the day. I'm thinking of you! Take care and lots of love from all us UT family!
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