Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes part II.....

Yesterday Mia sneezed into her hand and left a nice string of green snot. She turned to me and said "Mom I'm all sticky from the bless you". :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes....

Earlier today Maxwell and I were out on the front patio on the porch swing and he turned to me and said "Mom, I haven't seen any snails for a long time....I think they all went to Mexico."

This evening while babysitting my nephew Hudson, Mia and Eva kept asking why he wasn't talking to them. I told them that he was to little to talk. Mia looked at me and said "he needs a whole junk of teeth so that he can talk to us." What? "Junk" must be slang for "a lot" (at least according to Maxwell, I think that's what it means, because he uses that word all the time to describe things)and why Hudson needs teeth to talk? Well, I'm not sure.

HA,HA,HA!!! Hope this made you laugh or at least smile!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maxwell playing soccer

Mawell has improved so much and has really built up his confindence on the soccer field. This game he scored 3 goals and looked like he was really loving it. I like that AYSO has them play 3 on 3. I think it makes it way less chaotic and all the children get a chance to touch the ball. His team as a whole is really getting good and they are really enjoying playing together.