Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Last weekend our good friends came to visit from Arizona. We love and miss them so much and were so happy they could come see us. We had a great time visiting with the Proudfits and Ricedorffs for some much needed R&R/girl time. We spent time at the lagoon, the beach, the angels game, shopping, bow making and laughing. It was the BEST!

Weston and Maxwell lovin' the waves

(L to R) Weston, Jameson, and Maxwell at the Mormon night at the Angels game.

(L to R) Mia, Karen and Tessa at the lagoon

Weston, Maxwell and Kaden

Kylynne and Lucy, it's hard to believe they are only 10 days apart :o)

1 comment:

Nikki said...

How fun to be so close to the beach. I love how happy they all are.