Saturday, January 30, 2010

My baby is 1

I can't believe that my sweet little baby girl is one year already. Where did this past year go? Kylynne has been such a joy to our family. She has come into our family during a difficult time and has been nothing but happiness for all of us.
She has grown from a very quiet and observant baby to a very loud and active participant. She was such a quiet baby who hardly even babbled or cried and now she has definitely found her voice. She is always happy and absolutely adores her older brother and sisters. She has a special connection with Maxwell and always lights up when she see's him. He was the first person to make her truly laugh and he is constantly smothering her with hugs and kisses.
Kylynne is crawling like crazy and tries to pull herself up on and climb on everything she can get her hands on. She will stand on her own for a few seconds and it is only a matter of time before she is walking. She gives the best hugs and kisses and loves to blow kisses too! She claps her hands and waves hi and bye bye. She says mama,uh oh, da, and ba ba(bottle) Her favorite things to eat are black beans, corn, peas, bananas, cheerios and gold fish. Her favorite toys are her glow worm given to her from her cousins in Idaho and her mega blocks piano. She also loves to snuggle her blanket made by my good friend and can't sleep without it.
Her sweetness and unconditional love brings me so much peace and gets me through the hard days.
We love our bayabia Ky Ky and couldn't imagine our lives without her. Happy Birthday Little Sweet Sweet!

Birth day

2 Weeks

4 Months

5 Months

7 Months

8 Months


11 Months
12 Months... Birthday kisses

Aunt Katie and Uncle Dave gave Kylynne this baby doll and she would not let go of it. She rocked it and kissed it.

Giving kisses to the baby doll


Clapping for herself!

So cute!

More pictures to come....


Nikki said...

Happy Birthday to little Kylynne!! Adorable little birthday dress!

Shelley said...

I LOVE her 4 month picture. So adorable. Happy Birthday to sweet Kylynne! Her dress turned out really great. Now, maybe you can show me how! Love you.

Camilla said...

I love her birthday dress!! She is such a cutie. That really went fast huh?

The McGary Family said...

I can't believe she's one her birthday dress!!

Trudy said...

Oh, the little Kylynne has grown. You all look so happy. Wish we could have been there. Love you!

Meggen said...

So sweet! I love all the pictures and am glad that you gave such newsy updates! I love the pictures of Ky in the shower! Funny! But, most of all I love the picture of Casey and the girls on Valentine's day. Such a precious little family you have! Love and stuff to you all!