Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Toothless Twins

Mia and Eva have both lost their two front bottom teeth. Mia lost hers and then within a couple of weeks Eva lost hers. Love this picture, they are both missing the same tooth :)

Eva lost her first tooth at Maxwells soccer game. She was eating pirates booty and felt something hard in her mouth so she spit it out and it was her tooth. I gave her a ziploc bag to put it in but she kept taking it out to look at it and accidently dropped it in the grass. We looked and looked but couldn't find it. She was so upset about losing it so we decided to write the tooth fairy a note so she would know where to find it... and what do you know, the tooth fairy did find it and left Eva a dollar. She was SO excited!!



Love my sweet girls!!!!

1 comment:

Heather Harper said...

They are so dang gorgeous!!!!!