Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Potty training is the worst! And even though I really shouldn't complain because the girls are doing so well.... I will!
All the accidents on the floor and washing every pair of unders we own everyday and the pooping in the unders... by day 3 I gave in and bought pullups. I never did pullups with Maxwell, but this time around I have had it, Skids on cinderella unders isn't so cute.

Eva.. beginning of day 1

Mia... End of day 1

Day 2... I bought the girls these skirts and slippers in the dollar bin at Target because they were doing so well, and because they are so cute!!

Day 3... princess pullups save the day!


All the cousins went to Hero camp last week together. There they talked about remembering the Lords power, wisdom, love and work. They had visitors from Joseph of Egypt, Ammon, the good samaritan, and some of the pioneers. They learned how to be strong and have "CTR power" like David when he faught Goliath. They did service projects and learned stories from the scriptures and sang songs about them.

I have a heart, like God's own Son

To feel great love for everone.

These hands are mine, they help me do

the things that Jesus showed me to.

He (Jesus) is our hero, He shows us the way. He teaches what we can be. He is our hero, we won't lose our way, And I know that Jesus love me. I know that Jesus love me!

Thanks to all those that made it possible for our children to have a wonderful week and thanks Amber for inviting us. We look forward to another great camp next summer!

1 comment:

Heather Harper said...

I hate potty training too!! Good luck!