Thursday, July 10, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!!!

We went to Las Vegas the last weekend of June for a Waldron family reunion. We stayed at the stratosphere hotel and casino, this is a picture of the kids right after we checked into our hotel.

Ya gotta love walking down the strip at 10:30p.m. dripping with sweat in the 100 degree weather.

Our poor kiddos kept asking for something cold to drink, it was so insanely hot still.

The girls were so excited about their tickets to the top of the stratosphere!

Cool view, huh?

The children loved watching the people riding the rides at the top, although when we asked if they wanted to go there was a immediate "NO" by all 3 of them.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Cute pictures of your trip to Vegas and the girls haircuts! I am so behind on reading blogs! It was fun swimming today.... let's do it again!